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TASK-PRO is a PC program that allows the user to track, prioritize,
sort and report on tasks under way. TASK-PRO was specifically designed
with the needs of middle management in mind. As such, more emphasis is
placed on the organization, representation and status of tasks under way
than on the interrelationships of tasks. TASK-PRO is general purpose in
that it allows the user to track virtually any type of activity, from
work-in-progress to telephone inquiries to trouble reports.
PERSONAL TASK-PRO is a version of TASK-PRO which is configured to be
ideal for individual home use. Please note that PERSONAL TASK-PRO does
not run on a PC which is equipped with a LAN card.
Under the TASK-PRO system the user maintains any number of tasks in a
task folder. The user is allowed to record detailed information for each
task, and is provided with the ability to also enter a free text memo
giving a detailed description of those tasks which require such a
description. Within the folder tasks may be sorted by priority, the
name of the person assigned to the task, the deadline assigned to the
task, the date the task was entered, or the systems affected by the task.
A flashing red indication is provided for all tasks which have exceeded
their deadlines.
TASK-PRO incorporates a state-of-the-art keyboard and mouse interface
which makes excellent use of color, sound, text windows and context-
sensitive hypertext help at the touch of the F1 key or the click of
the mouse button.
Personal TASK-PRO is fully functional and loaded with features, but
lacks some of the business-oriented features of PROFESSIONAL TASK-PRO.
The additional features provided with PROFESSIONAL TASK-PRO are:
o The ability to organize tasks into multiple folders.
o The ability to move tasks between task folders and
PC's using IMPORT and EXPORT.
o A 'Timeslip Interface' which allows the quick and
easy entry of timecard information into the TASK-
PRO database.
o The ability to run on a PC equipped with a LAN
The task folder produced with by PERSONAL TASK-PRO is totally compatable
To order a users' guide for PERSONAL TASK-PRO, or to order PROFESSIONAL
TASK-PRO, simply select the ORDERING option from the TASK-PRO main menu,
fill in the data entry form with the correct information and allow
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TASK-PRO to print an order form to you (a system printer is required).
After the order form is printed simply fill in (by hand or typewriter),
the specifics of your order.
1.0 Required Equipment
TASK-PRO runs on IBM PC's and 100% compatables with 256k of system
memory and CGA, EGA or VGA graphics adaptors. TASK-PRO may work
with other equipment configurations. TASK-PRO will utilize a mouse
if one is connected to the system and the appropriate driver software
is included.
If you have downloaded TASK-PRO from an electronic bulletin board
PTASK.ZIP contains PERSONAL TASK-PRO along with all associated
help, documentation and sample database files. Otherwise, if you
have ordered TASK-PRO the supplied diskette contains all of these
files. Create a dedicated directory for TASK-PRO (we recommend
'C:\TASK') and copy (or unZIP) these files into that directory. You
may then run PTASK, as described in this document, and practice with
the sample data provided. When you are satisfied with your expertise
you may delete every file except PTASK.EXE, TSK.HLP and this README
file and begin using PERSONAL TASK-PRO for real.
To run PERSONAL TASK-PRO simply enter 'PTASK -C' for a color system
or 'TASK -M' for a monochrome system from the DOS prompt. The user
will then be presented with the main menu screen of PERSONAL TASK-PRO.
The user may optionally enter a second command line switch '-NOMOUSE',
which disables the use of a mouse by TASK-PRO.
To quit TASK-PRO and return to DOS simply select the Quit option from
TASK-PRO main menu.
You can always get a help screen describing what you are doing by
depressing the F1 key or be clicking the left mouse button on any
help prompt appearing on the bottom line of the screen. This help
text is completely context-sensitive, and allows you to jump to the
help screens for related topics by highlighting the text associated
with the topics within the help window (through use of the arrow
keys of the numeric keypad) and depressing the ENTER key. You may
also position the mouse cursor on any help keywords within the help
window and clicking the left mouse button. You may exit the help
system and return to TASK-PRO by depressing the ESC key or by clicking
the right mouse button (which is always equivalent to depressing the
ESC key).
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The TASK-PRO main menu is the bar menu that appears across the top of
the screen at all times that TASK-PRO is running. You may move between
the items of this menu with the left and right cursor control keys,
and any associated pull-down menus will automatically appear. You may
also move between main menu items by depressing the hot key for the
item (highlighted in yellow) while holding down the ALT key (this is
simply a shortcut for the experienced user) or by positoning the mouse
cursor on the menu item and clicking the left mouse button.
For main menu options that do not have an associated pull-down menu
the option is activated by depressing the ENTER key once the option
is highlighted. If such an option has been selected with the short-
cut ALT-hotkey keystroke then the option is activated automatically.
Once again the mouse cursor may be used to select main menu options
(except from data entry and help windows, which must be exited first).
For main menu options that have pull-down sub-menus, the sub-menu
option is activated by highlighting the desired option with the up and
down cursor control keys and depressing the ENTER key. Alternatively
the option may be activated by hitting the highlighted hot key in the
sub-menu (without depressing the ALT key).
Help information about any sub-menu option may be obtained by high-
lighting the option and depressing the F1 key.
Data entry windows allow the user to enter data into the TASK-PRO
system. The up and down cursor control keys, as well as the TAB
key, allow the user to move between data entry fields. The user
may also click the left mouse button on any field to move to that
field. The left and right cursor control keys allow the user to
move within the field. The insert key toggles text entry between
insert and overstrike mode. The delete key deletes characters under
the cursor. The return key successfully ends the data entry into
the form and the ESC key aborts the data entry process. Help for
any field is available by depressing the F1 key while the cursor is
positioned within the field or by clicking the left mouse button
which the mouse cursor is positioned on the help prompt at the bottom
of the window.
7.0 The BROWSE main menu option
Selecting the BROWSE option from the TASK-PRO main menu brings up a formatted
list of all opened tasks in the lower portion of the display. The user may
use the up and down cursor control keys to highlight the various tasks or
simply position the mouse cursor over the task and click on it. This window
scrolls up and down as necessary to accommodate a large number of tasks.
One important feature of the BROWSE window to be aware of is the ability to
edit a memo for the highlighted task by depressing the F10 key. Keep
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in mind that the F1 key or the mouse will provide you with detailed context-
sensitive h